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Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 6:39 pm
by Dapper Dog
Suitors should note in thor PF that they wish to be recognized as a suitor, by doing this automatically become listed on the Affection lists for the twins. A player can choose not to be a suitor, but still be on the Affection list but this may have issues depending on the outcome of the game.
The typical suitor is from an Alderaanian noble family, human, and in good standing with the Republic. Those outside these parameters may find their course more difficult than others. Droids need not apply, because well they are droids.
Re: Suitors
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 7:04 pm
by Dapper Dog
Alderaan Suitors
For the Alderaan campaign it may be possible to play as a possible suitor for the Panteer twins, there are some minor restrictions or considerations for potential suitors though. First and foremost, they should be able to trace a lineage back to an Alderaanian noble House, preferably a Greater House but lesser ones are permissive as well, this invariably means that the character is of human species, adopted or non-human species will be regarded as lesser blood lineages.
Noble lineage is preferred and will be given greater weight than those of common stock. Other factors that may affect one’s initial suitor standing will be military service, social service, and connections to specific Alderaan noble houses; as noted earlier non-humans can be suitors but will be regarded as lesser candidates as the Great Houses are all almost exclusively human.
Each suitor will be granted a starting Suitor score, this will affect how well Queen Solara Panteer regards them as a potential match for her children, this does not account for the personal wishes of the twins.
The affections and wants of the Twins is measured by Affection, this will be a hidden rating at the start of the game and will be affected by role-play some possible events and the predilections and biases of each twin. They will be on similar scales so at the end of the game if say the Suitor score of the highest Suitor is lower than the Affection score the Twin will choose where their Heart leads them instead of what the Queen wishes. In the case of ties a random die roll will be used to determine the outcome.
One does not have to be an appointed Suitor to have an Affection score, though if the character is married or has made it clear they do not wish to be with the Twin then they will not be considered as a choice. Each twin will have their own Affection list. It will not be assumed that a player is on the Affection list, it is a player decision.
All is fair in love and politics.